Hey there, I am Laurent!

Welcome to my little corner in the fitness world! <3

I am Laurent, a dedicated certified personal trainer in Stratford, London, with over 10 years of experience in a gym environment. I am very passionate about all things fitness, I have been surrounded by weights and strong people since the age of 15-yrs. Having done a bench press of 120kg and a deadlift of 200kg at the age of 17 years, I knew this was my thing.

Since 2023, I started pursuing personal training professionally and got certified in 2021. I have my whole fitness life been giving unofficial lifting advice and tips to friends and family, so here I am now.

I offer tailored one-on-one training sessions, nutrition plans & advice and all-round customised fitness programs designed to support your goals and lifestyle. Whether you want to gain muscle, lose body-fat or just build a good physique. That’s perfect. It’s all about mindset and discipline. Let me as personal trainer help you with a fitness programme designed around your goals.

I understand this is a big step for you, give me a follow on Instagram and feel free to DM me to talk things through.


  • Level-3 Personal Training

  • Level-2 Gym Instructor

  • DAFNE-NHS Graduate

  • Type-1 Diabetes for 17 years :-)

Graduating soon in:

  • Level-4 Nutrition

  • Level-3 GP Referral

LRNT.FITNESS personal training London